Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation
between Europe and North Africa

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Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania

Established in 1860 as a modern university, with roots going as far back as to 1564, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (UAIC) is the oldest higher education institution in Romania. 24.500 students are currently enrolled in the 16 faculties pursuing a total of 200 study programmes at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels.

The university’s educational offer comprehensively covers the fields of Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and also includes programmes in English and French, as well as Master and PhD programmes jointly developed with partner universities from abroad. The international academic exchange with both European and non-European HEIs has intensified through a dynamic participation in the Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus Programmes and it is currently extensively developed within Erasmus+ with HEIs from both Programme and Partner Countries. Some 70 bilateral agreements – other than Erasmus+ - with universities world-wide are active today.

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași is also a member of multiple partnerships and associations such as Coimbra Group, Utrecht Network, EUA, IAU, etc.

Striving for excellence, the university takes unique initiatives to stimulate research quality, to encourage dynamic and creative education and to involve its best students in academic life. With its 16 faculties (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics and Business Administration, European Studies, Geography and Geology, History, Law, Letters, Mathematics, Orthodox Theology, Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Physical Education and Sports, Physics, Psychology and Education Sciences, Roman-Catholic Theology), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University offers BA, MA and PhD programmes, many of them taught in foreign languages.

In terms of resources, the university has its own publishing house, a Botanical Garden, research resorts, archeological sites and museums, an astronomic observatory and a planetarium, 12 hostels and two modern dormitories (Gaudeamus and Akademos)- all within walking distance from the main university building. It has a kindergarten and a primary school as well.

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is currently coordinating 3 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects: EDEN (approved in 2012, with Lot 3 - Israel), IANUS (approved in 2012, with Lot 5 countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine) and IANUS II (approved in 2013, with the same Lot 5 countries). We are also partner in 2 EMA2 projects: Al Idrisi II (approved in 2013, coordinated by the University of Granada) and Silkroute (approved in 2013, coordinated by the University of Padua).



Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania


Official Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II contact person: Mrs. Ionela Mohamed Ali

Contact emails and phone numbers: Please address specific questions for incoming and outgoing students and staff interested in EM Al Idrisi II scholarships to:

  • email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
  • Department of International Relations
    Bd. Carol I nr. 11, Iasi 700506, Romania
    phone: +40 232 201112
    Fax: +40 232 201802

 Further information:

  • Find out more about possible fields of Study offered by this university. Click here.
  • You can download this university's General Information Sheet here.


Comment: If you would like to read this information for the first edition of Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi, please click on the following link: Al Idrisi I: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania

Les bourses Al Idrisi


'Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II est un projet d’échange et coopération entre l'Europe et de l'Afrique du Nord qui a offert des bourses aux étudiantes de premier cycle, master, doctorat, post-doctorat et au personnel académique et administratif. Le troisième appel du projet est déjà fermé depuis Janvier 2016. On ne prévue pas plus d'appels. On vous invite à rester informés et vous abonner à la News Alert !


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