Benchmarking meeting with the University of Valladolid
As part of the strategy and concrete measures to ensure quality of the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II project, we held a meeting with the University of Valladolid, which is currently coordinating the Erasmus Mundus projects Mundus Lindo (Lot 12) and VECCEU (Lot 19) and participating as partner in many other initiatives. The main aim of this experience that took place in Granada on the 18th March 2014 was to identify synergies and to compare, evaluate and come up with proposals for enhancement, taking as reference point each other’s ongoing projects, especially in the field of management. Thanks to this encounter good practices and shared tools and procedures were exchanged. The outcomes will be reported to the Quality and Assurance Committee (QAS) and they will hopefully give rise to further improvements of the project.
La UGR coordinará un programa europeo de cuatro millones de euros de presupuesto
La Unión Europea (UGR) sí confía en la gestión de la Universidad de Granada (UGR). Sigue en buena forma en la consecución y participación de programas de formación. La Universidad granadina ha vuelto a lograr un gran éxito en la última convocatoria del programa Erasmus Mundus–Acción 2 que concede la Comisión Europea, con seis nuevos proyectos y uno de ellos coordinado por la institución granadina.
The coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus visited the Université Hassan 1er
The coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi scholarship programme visited the partner universities during his awareness raising campaign in Morocco held between 19 – 23 December 2011. The Université Hassan 1er announced his visit with this poster.