Al Idrisi à l'Université de Gafsa
Le 1er Décembre 2011 l'Université de Gafsa a tenu une présentation pour la promotion du programme de bourses Erasmus Mundus Al Idrisi avec la communauté universitaire.
This is the poster that the University of Gafsa printed to promote the programme in their university.
Al Idrisi new call in Averroes webpage
The Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project Averroes publishes information about the extraordinary call for undergraduate applications for Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi. For further details, please see here
Nouvel appel d'Al Idirisi sur le site d'Averroes
Le projet Averroes d’Erasmus Mundus Action 2 publie l’information à propos de l’appel extraordinaire pour les bourses de premier cycle du projet Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consultez
Presentation given by Dr. Javier Hernández Andrés
Dr. Javier Hernández Andrés, representing the coordination team of the the other Erasmus Mundus project coordinated by the University of Granada, Monesia, was invited by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) funding agency of the Erasmus Mundus iniciative, and the research and consultancy company Ecorys to participate on the Erasmus Mundus Joint Workshop: Recognition of Degrees and Joint Degrees and Sustainability, celebrated in Brussels last 26-27 March 2012.