Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation
between Europe and North Africa

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Important: The following information refers to the first edition of Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi that will not grant scholarships any more. If you would like to read more about the second edition or are interested in a scholarship, please click on the following link: Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Associate Partners participate actively in the network and help to achieve a deep dissemination and outreach into society. They contribute to the high standards and quality of the project.


  • Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Algeria
  • Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Formation des Cadres et de la Recherche Scientifique, Morocco
  • Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Tunisia
  • Coimbra Group, Belgium
  • Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, France
  • Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios, Spain

Al Idrisi Scholarships


Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II is a project for exchange and cooperation between Europe and North Africa that provided scholarships for undergraduate and master students, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff. The third and last call for applications closed in January 2016. Further calls are not expected. We invite you to stay informed and subscribe to our News Alert!


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