Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation
between Europe and North Africa

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Important: The following information refers to the first edition of Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi that will not grant scholarships any more. If you would like to read more about the second edition or are interested in a scholarship, please click on the following link: Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

The Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University has been created in Fez in 1975. It’s one of oldest and prestigious universities of Morocco. It is governed by law 01.00 which organizes the higher education and allows it to enjoy a great autonomy of management and operation.

The Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University accommodates each year between 7.000 and 8.000 new graduates of all the areas of the Kingdom as well as many friendly countries all over the world. The number of students registered at the University in the academic year 2010 – 2011 is 56.762. The academic staff of this university exceeds 1.274 teachers, and the administrative staff is about 776. The Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University gathers twelve faculties and schools and exempts multi-field and specialized teaching. It offers a higher number of training programmes: 80 bachelors, 79 Masters and 16 training Doctorates. It offers also some degrees such Engineering degree (7), University degree of Technology (14) and degrees in the field of Trade and Management (2).

Also, the university has set up a technological platform Regional Center of Interface of university (CURI) which aims to make the university / industry relation most strong, to promote the technology transfer and to valorize the research results

Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco


Official Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi contact person: Prof. Esserhini Farissi

Contact emails and phone numbers:
Please address specific questions according to the topic only to one of the following addresses:

  • for general questions about the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi project at the Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez
    Prof. Esserhini Farissi
  • for students and staff interested in Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi scholarships
    El Bekkali Moulhime
    El Khattabi Souad
    Benmoussa Hayat

Further information:


Important: The following information refers to the first edition of Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi that will not grant scholarships any more. If you would like to read more about the second edition or are interested in a scholarship, please click on the following link: Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

The Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is a multicultural university with almost one third of its students and researchers from abroad. ULB turns “international” into a daily reality, the setting for life and work on campus, just like Brussels itself, one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. This inter-cultural approach started with Africa in the middle of the 20th century, and today involves every continent. The University has 20% Europeans and 10% from the rest of the world in its student body. Promoted by the various European mobility programmes, cooperation with both industrialised and emerging countries, which always existed in research, is now undergoing a true boom. Beyond the many student exchanges (Erasmus in Europe, bilateral agreements elsewhere in the world), ULB is setting up an increasing number of truly integrated courses with international partners, going as far as jointly granting Masters and Doctoral degrees. Some of these courses have been awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus label.

ULB is a modern, acknowledged university on the international scene, which in 1990 launched the UNICA network. This network of universities in European capitals brings together 45 universities and over one million students. It is also a founder member of the International Forum of Public Universities (IFPU).

This highly dynamic policy of openness to Europe and the world is reflected in a large number of partnerships, agreements and cooperative programmes with some of the best universities in the world.

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium


Official Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi contact person: Ms. Gaëlle Ducarme

Contact emails and phone numbers:
Please address specific questions according to the topic only to one of the following addresses:

  • for general questions about the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi project at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
    Ms. Gaëlle Ducarme
  • for students and staff interested in Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi scholarships
    Ms. Elena Tegovska

Further information:


Important: The following information refers to the first edition of Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi that will not grant scholarships any more. If you would like to read more about the second edition or are interested in a scholarship, please click on the following link: Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

The Université Jean Monnet (UJM), founded in 1969, is a comprehensive university enrolling some 15.000 students, with 15,4% international students from 109 countries. The university is composed of 5 faculties (arts, letters and languages, humanities and social sciences, law, sciences and technology, and medicine) and 4 institutes: Management and Economy, Télécom Saint-Etienne, and 2 university institutes of technology (IUTs) in Saint Etienne and Roanne. It is a member of the “Université de Lyon”, a state-run Higher Education & Research (HE & R) consortium of 18 Higher Education Institutes (HEIs).

UJM offers about 300 national diploma programs in arts, letters, languages, humanities and social sciences, law, economics and management, athletics, health, sciences and technologies from undergraduate to doctorate level. It is involved in different national and international projects financed through different programmes such as the EACEA Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus); the EACEA Intensive Programme (one selection in 2011); the EACEA Erasmus Mundus Programme, coordinating two Mundus masters : CIMET ( and MACLANDS ( and participating in the Action 3 EACOVIROE project (; the Mediterranean Office for Youth (Master in management of local territories, selected in 2011); the French “Initiative d’Excellence” programmes (Equipex – equipments of excellence :UJM is part of 2 projects in Optics and in Health and Sports – ; Labex – laboratories of excellence: UJM is part of 6 projects in Mathematics, Multiscale Science, volcanic risk, acoustics, history of knowledge, territories and society, and coordinates the one on science of surfaces); the French and Norwegian Ministries for higher education and research joint Master programme (Master in « 3D multimedia technology » selected in 2011 with Gjøvik University College).

Shaping the university’s science policy are 422 faculty members and research scholars organized into thematic research units. 30 teams are active in the principal academic disciplines, 7 cross-disciplinary areas, and 2 very broad thematic areas (chemistry and health). Several laboratories are mixed units supported by two of France’s national research bodies, CNRS and INSERM. The university has made a commitment to certain priority sectors related to three broad themes: optics and vision; sports and health technology; and space, change, innovation, and society. UJM has six accredited doctoral programs: health science and technology (in collaboration with ENMSE and ENISE); literature, language, linguistics, and arts (with Lyon 2, Lyon 3, and ENS LSH); history, geography, regional planning, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, and political science (with Lyon 2, Lyon 3, and ENS LSH); education, information, communication, and psychology (with Lyon 2, Lyon 3, and ENS LSH); law (with Lyon 2 and Lyon 3); and economics and management (with Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3, and ENS LSH). Predoctoral research training is provided by some 40 accredited teams and centers and by 55 Research Masters representing the nine scientific departments.

Université Jean Monnet, Saint Étienne, France


Official Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi contact person: Mr. Thomas Guillobez

Contact emails and phone numbers:
Please address specific questions according to the topic only to one of the following addresses:

  • for general questions about the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi project at the Université Jean Monnet, Saint Étienne
    Mr. Thomas Guillobez
  • for students and staff interested in Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi scholarships
    • for incoming students:
    • for outgoing students:
    • for incoming and outgoing staff:

Further information:


Important: The following information refers to the first edition of Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi that will not grant scholarships any more. If you would like to read more about the second edition or are interested in a scholarship, please click on the following link: Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

The University of Chlef is located at 200 kilometers west of Algiers, passing from an Institute (1983), to university center (1988) and finally in University (2001). It accounts currently 25.000 students dispatched on various fields, as follows: - Faculty of Technology - Faculty of Sciences - Faculty of Languages - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. - Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences. - Faculty of Law and Political Science. - Institute of Agricultural Sciences - Institute of Physical Education and Sports. CHLEF knew to answer and adapt to the needs for the Area and waitings of the public authorities. Its role like headlight of the area, becomes increasingly important after the introduction of the new device of teaching LMD as of re-entry 2005/2006 (the offers of formation meet the socio-economic needs for the area). The University of Chlef have 108 undergraduate’s offers, 71 master’s offers and 10 doctorate’s offers. A new pole of 80 hectares saw birth of which 85% are carried out to date, which is functional since 2006. Within sight of a strategy of expansion and diversification of the multi-field offers of formation, the University of Chlef have a third pole in the coastal town of TÉNÈS.

Université Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef, Algeria


Official Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi contact person: Mr. Mohamed Faouzi Fekaouni

Contact emails and phone numbers:
Please address specific questions according to the topic only to one of the following addresses:

  • for general questions about the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi project at the Université Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef
    Mr. Mohamed Faouzi Fekaouni
  • for incoming and outgoing undergraduate applicants interested in Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi scholarships
    Ahmed Belboula
  • for incoming and outgoing staff applicants:
    Abdelkadir Adjout

Further information:

Les bourses Al Idrisi


'Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II est un projet d’échange et coopération entre l'Europe et de l'Afrique du Nord qui a offert des bourses aux étudiantes de premier cycle, master, doctorat, post-doctorat et au personnel académique et administratif. Le troisième appel du projet est déjà fermé depuis Janvier 2016. On ne prévue pas plus d'appels. On vous invite à rester informés et vous abonner à la News Alert !


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